Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hyperload vs. Overload

First, my apologies for people who have checked this blog for the long lag between posts. My last post dealt with overload and the impairment of function that goes with it.

Why am I back and writing? My load hasn't decreased - it's increased.

Last week, a national story broke out that has put Not Dead Yet in the middle of media coverage - quoted in AP stories, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and Time Magazine. If you're curious about the story and what my role has been in the coverage, you can check out the Not Dead Yet blog and read the posts for the last week. And there'll be more to come. A New York Times reporter called yesterday. There was an appearance on Fox News, but I'll probably write about that separately in a little while.

On top of reading the press coverage, gathering the facts of the national story, giving interviews to the press, I've been engaging in other related activities. I've been talking and writing with people who wanted to write letters to the editor. Registering a complaint about accuracy with the secretary of a senior editor of a national newsweekly. Answering and/or deleting hate mail. Working with Georgia activists (the current center of the national story) who want to organize a presence and response there.

All of this came at a time when I was already in a state of overload. Instead of making it worse, a mental shift occurred, where I am focused, calm, amazingly organized, and able to function on just about any amount of sleep.

I think I've moved from "overload" to what I have decided to call "hyperload." It's a state where the tasks and demands are so overwhelming and important a sort of Zen-like presence takes hold of my brain (OK - it's a Zen-like presence given to muttering obscenities).

Metaphorically, it feels like riding a tsunami (yeah, I've seen those annoying commercials too). Moving fast, in control.

For now.

Sooner or later, this unnatural state will end because it can't be sustained any longer or the demands settle down. At that point, I'll be in for at least a day or two of brain-freeze. I'm crossing my fingers that a migraine isn't part of the payment.

For now, though, it feels good and it's great for advocacy. And I'll no doubt be back to posting here more as well. --Stephen


Terri said...

It is great to be "in the zone." So productive and focused... and it is good work you are doing on this.

Stephen Drake said...

Thanks, Terri.

I think I'm back in it after getting thrown for a day. I was afraid it would take longer to get it back.